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RP 131 Y 484
RP 131 Y 484
Classe RP 101; lotto costituito da 10 unita' costruite in diversi cantieri:
RP 125 Y 478, RP 126 Y 479, RP 127 Y 480, RP 128 Y 481, RP 129 Y 482,
RP 130 Y 483, RP 131 Y 484, RP 132 Y 485, RP 133 Y 486, RP 134 Y 487.

Username Registered X King
Shipowner MMI
Ship manager RP 101
IMO Number Y 484
Type of ship rimorchiatore portuale
Year of build and builder Ferrari - La Spezia; 1983-1984
Date 25-02-09
Added on 25/02/2009
Dimension 3264 x 2448
viewed 4063