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BOSS 400
BOSS 400
La grua flotante BOSS 400 fue arrastrada a la costa durante una tormenta en el invierno austral de 1995. Estos espectaculares restos estan en la Bahia de Moari de Sud Africa, conocida por sus numerosos naufragios. Cuando la grua rompi? su remolque y pego contra las rocas, era la mas grande de Africa, siendo una barcaza sin propulsi?n debia ser remolcada, en este caso habia sido usada para mover ca?os d ela industria petrolifera.

The floating crane BOSS 400 was dragged to the coast during a storm in the austral winter of 1995. These spectacular remains are in the Bay of Moari of South Africa , known for its many shipwrecks. When the crane broke the towage and hit against the rocks, it was the largest in Africa , being a non-powered barge was to be towed in this case had been used to move oil industry pipes.

El remolcador que tiraba de ella no tenia la potencia necesaria para enfrentar una tormenta, por lo que radio por ayuda a Capetown, aunque se despacharon dos remolcadores para asistir al primero, no pudieron enganchar sus lineas de tiro con la Boss 400 debido a la condicion del mar.
The tugboat that pulled it did not have the strength to face a storm power , so radio helps Capetown , although two tugboats were dispatched to assist the first , could not engage their lines shooting with the Boss 400 because the condition from sea.
La Boss tenia una capacidad de izar 1200 tons y costaba mas de 70 millones de dolares. Debido a su valor se envio un equipo de salvamento, pero la barcaza ya estaba demasiado da?ada y el salvataje fu? abandonado.
The Boss had a lifting capacity of 1200 tons and cost more than 70 million. Because of its value rescue team was sent , but the barge was too damaged and the rescue was abandoned

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IMO Number
Type of ship
Year of build and builder
Added on 13/05/2016
Dimension 1200 x 978
viewed 1393