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ORP Mewa
ORP Mewa
ORP Mewa (eng. seagull) was a Jaskólka-class minesweeper of the Polish Navy at the outset of World War II. Mewa participated in the defense of Poland during the Nazi German invasion of 1939. The ship was damaged on 1 September 1939 by a Nazi bomb. On 3 September she was again hit by bombs and sank. The ship was later refloated and captured by the Germans. After the war, she returned to serve under the Polish flag.

Username Registered marekj655
Shipowner Polish Navy
Ship manager
IMO Number
Type of ship Minesweeper and minelayer
Year of build and builder 1935 Gdynia Shipyard (Poland)
Added on 03/01/2013
Dimension 781 x 1024
viewed 1589