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Italian Maritime Academy (IMA) ed Italian Maritime Academy Technologies (IMAT)
Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
Torre d'aMare
Précedente Suivante
This steamer was built in Glasgow the year 1907 for the Pacific Steam Company, and christianed as Quillota.

Later on 1939 was bought by the Sociedad An?nima Mar?tima Chilena and transferred to CSAV.

In 1940 and whilst the careen works on the ship were about to be finished on the floating dock Valparaiso II, one unexpected and strong storm was declared. The terrible storm made him to fall on her starboard side , which contributed to the floating dock capsize . At approximately 08:30 am , the steam "Chile " , inevitably sank after running astern, loosening the supporting shores whilst the floating dockcapsized, showing the flat bottom upwards. There were no personal misfortunes .

Username Enregistré surveychile
Armateur CSAV. Compa??a Sudamericana de Vapores
Ship manager
Numéro IMO
Type de navire General Cargo
Année et chantier de construction 1907 Glasgow
Téléchargée le 08/04/2016
Dimension 1200 x 900
visites 1110