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Gerassimos Vergottis
Gerassimos Vergottis
Greek tramp-steamer Gerassimos Vergottis (1938-1950)
6.343 gross tons
Built 1920 as Paris City (not sure, old pictures of Paris City show a different ship)
1950 renamed Greenville
Foundered 20 september 1953 in the Atlantic with a cargo of grain, during a storm
Photo from H. van Hoek - "trampvaart", a dutch book from the late 1940's about trampships, especially for the youth

Username Enregistré JKOOPMANS
Armateur Possidon Steamship Company, Argostoli
Ship manager
Numéro IMO 140862
Type de navire
Année et chantier de construction Craig, Taylor & Co, Stockton-on-Tees, 1920
Date Late 1940's
Lieu Amsterdam
Téléchargée le 14/08/2013
Dimension 1544 x 1000
visites 1761