The Banno Line vessel Royal Crown berthed at Napier during the 1960's
4970 gross. Blt 1935 by Wm Doxford & Son Sunderland for B.J. Sutherland & Co Newcastle as 'Caithness', Sold 9/1951 to Westralian Farmers Transport Ltd, London, renamed 'Swan Valley'. 1/56 sold to Williamson & Co, Hong Kong, renamed 'Incharran'. 7/66 Sold to Leecho SS Co, Panama, renamed 'Star of Victoria'. 17/1/67 abandoned 100 miles NE of keelung after springing engineroom leaks on voyage Hong Kong to Muroran.
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Pubblicata da
Emmanuel Makarios
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Anno/Cantiere costr.
1935 - Doxford & Son Sunderland
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