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Italian Maritime Academy (IMA) ed Italian Maritime Academy Technologies (IMAT)
Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
Torre d'aMare
Precedente Successiva
"Olau Hollandia"
"Olau Hollandia"
"Olau Hollandia", the older sister of "Olau Britannia".
This nice ship model was part of the Olau terminal in Sheerness. I think it was a scale of 1:100. Today this (or another one???) can be seen in the German ship museum "Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum" in Bremerhaven.

Username Registrato cwatsack
Armatore Olau
Ship manager
Numero IMO
Cantiere e anno di costruzione
Data 11.1993
Luogo Sheerness
Aggiunta il 12/11/2007
Dimensioni 2336 x 1576
visite 2372