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Italian Maritime Academy (IMA) ed Italian Maritime Academy Technologies (IMAT)
Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
Torre d'aMare
Precedente Successiva
John Lykes
John Lykes
IMO N?: 5173981

Class: ABS

Type of ship: General Cargo Ship
Call Sign: KIHD
Flag: USA
Port of Register: Tampa, Fla.
Ship?s Owners: Lykes Bros. S.S. Co., Inc.

DWT: 11.684
GRT: 8.762 NRT: 5.322

LOA: 150,90 Mts. Lpp: 143,30 Mts. B: 21,10 Mts. D: 12,67 Mts.

Ship?s Yard: Ingalls Shipbuilding of Pascagoula, U.S.A.Hull N?: 473
Date of Launch: 16 April 1960 Delivery date: 19 August 1960

Main Engine

2 x General Electric Co. steam turbines. Ship?s service speed: 17,50 Knots Engine power: 9000 SHP

1972 Lengthened 180,60 Mts. DWT: 14.260 GRT: 11891 GRT Converted to containership

19 April 1995 Broken up Alang.

Username Registrato surveychile
Armatore Lykes Bros. S.S. Co., Inc.
Ship manager Lykes Bros. S.S. Co., Inc.
Numero IMO 5173981
Classificazione General Cargo
Cantiere e anno di costruzione 1960 Ingalls Shipbuilding of Pascagoula, U.S.A.
Aggiunta il 02/02/2019
Dimensioni 1200 x 760
visite 998