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Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
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Precedente Successiva
British Railways -

Prior to the entry into service of the MV Senlac on the Newhaven - Dieppe route the MV Hengist was sent from Dover to Newhaven to test the vehicle ramp to ensure this would be suitable for the new ship.

In the photo she is seen dressed overall for the occasion approaching the ramp to commence the test.

Username Registrato DLongly
Armatore British Railways
Ship manager
Numero IMO
Classificazione Passenger ro-ro ferry
Cantiere e anno di costruzione
Data 7 June 1972
Luogo Newhaven, East Sussex, UK
Aggiunta il 08/04/2014
Dimensioni 845 x 1280
visite 1264