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Italian Maritime Academy (IMA) ed Italian Maritime Academy Technologies (IMAT)
Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
Torre d'aMare
Precedente Successiva
Bearn was a unique aircraft carrier which served with the Marine nationale (French Navy) in World War II and beyond.
Bearn was commissioned in 1927 and was the only aircraft carrier produced by France until after World War II. She was to be an experimental ship and should have been replaced in the 1930s by two new ships of the Joffre class. She was generally comparable to other early carriers developed by the major navies of the world. However, France did not produce a further replacement and as naval aviation lagged in France, Bearn continued to serve past her time of obsolescence. In 1939, she ended her career as an experimental ship but after the defeat of France in June 1940 she took refuge in Martinique where she remained for the next four years. Eventually she was sent to the United States for a refit which ended in March 1945, allowing her to serve briefly before the end of the war as an aircraft transport. Her career ended in 1967 when she was finally dismantled. Over the course of her long career, Bearn never launched her aircraft in combat. She was named after the historic French province of Bearn.

Username Registrato marekj655
Armatore Marine Nationale
Ship manager
Numero IMO
Classificazione Aircraft carrier
Cantiere e anno di costruzione 1920 Societe Nouvelle des Forges et Chantiers de la Mediterranee in La Seyne , France
Aggiunta il 21/02/2014
Dimensioni 2258 x 1658
visite 2374