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Italian Maritime Academy (IMA) ed Italian Maritime Academy Technologies (IMAT)
Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
Torre d'aMare
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Portuguese grab hopper dredger MAIA, imo 5080720/ 73,1m/ 1.014gt/ 12kn; 08/1954 completed by Chantiers e Ateliers Augustin Normand, Le Havre, as MERIGNAC for Worms & Cie., Le Havre; 1955 lengthened from 64m/848gt to 73,1m/ 1.014gt; 1958 CORVO, Mutualista Açoreana Sarl, Lisbon; 1974 MAIA Mutualista Açoreana Sarl, Lisbon; 1976 MAIA, ETE, Lisbon, reduced to a barge; 1998 MAIA, Douro river interests, who re-engined and converted her into a grab hopper dredger to work at upper river Douro.
Seen 2011 at Crestuma, river Douro.

Username Registrato Rui Amaro
Armatore Douro river interests
Ship manager
Numero IMO 5080720
Classificazione grab hopper dredeger
Cantiere e anno di costruzione 08/1954 completed by Chantiers e Ateliers Augustin Normand, Le Havre
Data 2011
Luogo Crestuma, river Douro
Aggiunta il 04/05/2012
Dimensioni 750 x 562
visite 1376