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Some shots of the launch and completion of the BP tanker BRITISH SPIRIT built at the Lithgow shipyard at Port Glasgow on the Clyde.
This is the launch on the 30th March 1982 from the Kingston Yard. She was the last Clyde built BP tanker and the last ship to be built by Lithgows on their takeover by Trafalgar House and concentrating on offshore oil work.
The new management apparently decided on a no painting policy so it was bare steelwork only as she entered the water.

Username Registrato Fairfield
Armatore BP Tanker Co.
Ship manager
Numero IMO 7925728
Classificazione Tanker
Cantiere e anno di costruzione 1983 Scott-Lithgow Port Glasgow
Data 30 March 1983
Luogo Scott-Lithgow yard Port Glasgow
Aggiunta il 14/03/2010
Dimensioni 1107 x 672
visite 1157