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Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
Torre d'aMare
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Seta was a river gunboat of the Imperial Japanese Navy, the lead ship of the Seta class gunboats. She was part of the 11th Gunboat Sentai, that operated on the Yangtze River in China during the 1930s, and during the Second Sino-Japanese War.26 June 1938 participated in the battle of Madang. 25 November 1942 damaged by US 14th Air Force planes, 5 crewmen killed. 31 May 1943 damaged by 14th Air Force planes, 9 crewmen killed. Repaired at Shanghai June-July 1943. 17 August 1944 Stern of ship wrecked by 14th Air Force planes. Towed to Shanghai for repairs. Repairs completed 24 October 1944. Bombed and sunk by 14th Air Force planes 26 November 1944. (Wikipedia)

Username Enregistré marekj655
Armateur Imperial Japanese Naavy
Ship manager
Numéro IMO
Type de navire River gunboat
Année et chantier de construction 1922 Harima Zosensho, Kobe, Japan
Téléchargée le 29/07/2013
Dimension 1624 x 1063
visites 1347