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Italian Maritime Academy (IMA) ed Italian Maritime Academy Technologies (IMAT)
Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
Torre d'aMare
Précedente Suivante
There doesn't appear to be a relevant category for drilling ships, so I hope this category will suffice.
Arriving at Ijmuiden, Netherlands on 29/11/2011.
Built in 1986 by Hollming, Rauma, Finland (255), 3,577 g.t. & 2,289 dwt., as:-
'Bavnit' and always under this name.
Photo by kind permission of Willem Koper.
Regards, Rick

Username Enregistré patalavaca
Armateur Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expeditions Murmansk, Russia
Ship manager Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expeditions Murmansk, Russia
Numéro IMO 8406573
Type de navire
Année et chantier de construction 1986 Hollming - Rauma, Finland
Date November 29, 2011
Lieu Ijmuiden, Netherlands
Téléchargée le 11/03/2012
Dimension 1600 x 1064
visites 1223