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Italian Maritime Academy (IMA) ed Italian Maritime Academy Technologies (IMAT)
Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
Torre d'aMare
Precedente Successiva
At the port of Talcahuano, Chile.

Port useless at the present time due to the earthquake and tsunami of the 27th of February of 2010.

This tug was under restoration works to be converted into a floating museum.

This tug was build in the year 1911 in Great Britain by H y C Grayson Shipbuilders & Enginners Ltda. in Liverpool Inglaterra.

During the 80's she was still operative as a buoy tender.

Vessel affected by the tsunami, attempts to recover are carrying out.

Regrettably all the information I could find is in Spanish language, however please see the following links and you can have some idea:



In English


Username Registrato surveychile
Armatore Kenrick
Ship manager
Numero IMO
Classificazione Tug
Cantiere e anno di costruzione 1911 H y C Grayson Shipbuilders & Enginners Ltda. in Liverpool Inglaterra.
Data 26 December 2015
Luogo Bay of Talcahuano, Chile.
Aggiunta il 05/02/2016
Dimensioni 1600 x 1200
visite 1228