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Italian Maritime Academy (IMA) ed Italian Maritime Academy Technologies (IMAT)
Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
Torre d'aMare
Precedente Successiva
Portuguese cargo liner ?GANDA? (1), imo 1104908/ clipper bow/ 109m/ 3.044gt/ 10kn; 04/1895 completed by A. Stephen & Sons, Ltd, Glasgow, as BENALDER (2) for The Ben Line of Steamers Ltd., Leith, mgrs. William Thomson & Co., Leith; 11/1911 BENALDER when unloading copra at Antwerp caught double fire and meanwhile repaired; 23/12/1916 hit by a torpedo of U-21 east of Crete and escaped make Alexandria for repairs; 08/07/1919 arrived Oporto as BENALDER with a full cargo of grain; 10/07/1919 she sailed Oporto as GENERAL ALLENBY, owned by S. R. Sequerra, London, who employed her Portuguese West territories service; 05/10/1920 GANDA, Sociedade Agricola do Ganda, mgr. Mr. Ant?nio Costa, Lobito; 03/07/ 1922 GANDA, Companhia Colonial de Navega??o, Lobito, primeiro unidade daquele armador; 19/04/1929 arrived Savona for breaking up.
Unknown author ? Collection F. Cabral, Oporto.

Username Registrato Rui Amaro
Armatore Companhia Colonial de Navega??o, Lobito
Ship manager
Numero IMO imo 1104908
Classificazione Cargo liner
Cantiere e anno di costruzione 04/1895 completed by A. Stephen & Sons, Ltd, Glasgow
Aggiunta il 01/11/2013
Dimensioni 700 x 380
visite 1468