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ORP Iskra
ORP Iskra
The ORP Iskra is a three-masted barquentine with different rigging on all three masts. Every year on the ship, there are practices cadets from Polish Naval Academy.The ORP Iskra is the second sailing ship in Polish Navy with such a name. The ship took her name and tradition after a wooden, three-masted gaff schooner which sailed under the Polish Navy ensign for 50 years.

Username Registrato marekj655
Armatore Polish Navy
Ship manager
Numero IMO
Classificazione Three-masted barquentine
Cantiere e anno di costruzione 1982
Data 19.09.2006
Luogo Hel-Poland
Aggiunta il 17/01/2012
Dimensioni 2304 x 3072
visite 1396