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prove in mare - Trieste 1931

Mn VICTORIA - 1931 - ICNK - costr.n.782 Cant.S.Marco
Grt 13098,03 Nrt 7144,77
L 164,76 x 21,33 x 9,44 DCS 17800 4E vel.23 nodi prove
Arm. : Lloyd Triestino
1942 - affondata Golfo Sirte
24.01.1942 - convoglio Taranto-Tripoli - attaccata da
aereosiluranti - colpita - affondò alle 18:40 in posiz.
lat. 33°30' N long. 17°40' E

Username Registered celeste
Shipowner Lloyd Triestino S.p.A.
Ship manager
IMO Number
Type of ship
Year of build and builder
Date 1931
Place Trieste
Added on 05/12/2007
Dimension 3328 x 2261
viewed 1579