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Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
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The Union Steam Ship Company vessel MONOWAI passes under the Sydney harbour bridge after crossing the Tasman sea from Wellington on one of her regular voyages between NZ and Australia. She began life as P&O's RAZMAK built in 1925 by Harland & Wolff Ltd, Greenock. She was transfered to the USS Co fleet in 1930 to replace the ill-fated TAHITI which was lost in the Pasific after one of her propeller shafts broke. She served in the trans Pacific service and during WW2 was used as an armed merchant cruiser and a troop ship before being transfered to the trans - Tasman service. Over the 30 years she served the Union Co she proved to be a very popular ship with both passengers and crew.

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IMO Number
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Added on 20/01/2010
Dimension 900 x 726
viewed 1286